
Sunday, October 31, 2010

What's Up Malaysian?

plis don't corrupt their minds wif ur prejudices thinking!
I am a Malay, my religion is Islam n  i have many Malay as well as non-Malay and non-Muslims friend- Chinese, Christians, indians, ibans since kindergarten, primary schools,n secondary school. It was fun! getting to know other religion's and races cultures are interesting yaw!
when i was in kindergarten in Sabah, my chinese friend invites me to her house, n i went there with my bro, her mother is very friendly and serve us with mooncakes n drinks.that was the 1st tyme i entered the chinese house n taste the mooncakes.
then, when i was in a primary schools in Perak,one of my indian friend (i remembered her house in manjung but her name forget alredy la aiyoo) taught me n my other malay friends the natural beauty's secrets that is by taking rose petals as ur diets or supplements hohoo... i do taste that rose petals(it's pahit n little thick than those sawi n kailan n it tooks me long time to finish 1 rose petal coz at dat tyme i don't really enjoy 'veges'-but now i'm a vege's lovers huhu)
when i was in a secondary school in kedah, my neighbour in the class when i was in form 1-heng yun wenn always brought cakes and breads she bought from bakery n offered me sometimes. n my indian fren named priya always brings me some marukku n we will share drinks n 'pisang goreng' while waiting for 'kawad practice'-kadet polis huuyo!(-share drinks n foods with her is no-wrong ok! i hate it when there's some people look at us when we did so like as it was a sin. go to hell! huh...)
n now i have deva- an indian gurl from Raub, pahang-Yo! Raub is no-more a cowboy town arh! they got KFC in raub! seyesly i don't blaugh! 
n mac gregor-a guy from Taman Tungku,Miri Sarawak, he is a christians,races?ibans.
along our frenship, i realise that they-the non-muslims actually want to learns n know more about my culture n my religion.they do respects my religion's practice so, as a muslims,n i think i must do the same. if i'm not mistaken, Rasulullah also told us to respects other religions practice.I don't see them as 'harm' to my religion. 
my teacher-an athies, he paused if he hear azan while he was teaching us physics n continues back his teaching after we finish reciting doa after azan.
most of my chinese n malay frens, they are vegetable type. they don't eat bacon. they do respects what us-Islams do's n dont's and they respects of my Chinese neighbour, when i live in Perak, she even use 1 special pan and those utensils to cook for her malay friends.i told my non-muslims frens about Islam, if they ask me about it n they even agree most of what us the Muslims practiced. When i was in primary school,during Islamic Studies,my Indian friend is not allowed to be in the class during Islamic studies n since there are few non-muslims student in that schools, they don't offer morals studies. i'm sorry but i really don't agree with this practice, for me it's no wrong for them to be in the Islamic Studies class, it's a knowledge that n can also be 'dakwah' for our non-muslims friend. who knows may be someday he will get 'hidayah' from the Almighty Allah. I'm not so good in religion so plis do correct me..but i do believe that,as long as they(the non-muslims) respscts my religion, i should respects theirs also...isn't it?n i don't understand why some people have some 'racism' and prejudices kind of thinking on other races. plis, open ur eyes n make friends with other races or religions and get to know their culture, trust me, it's interesting. i love it when it is CNY coz i love to watch ,lion dance n u can get free limau mandarin! yummy :) to some radicals, plis don't involve each other races n religions in ur fights or issues, u'r destroying the harmony that we ever achieved since the last 50 years.

me n miss 'D'

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


hallo people! it's TUESDAY! hoyeah!
1**btw, today is fatin firuz's birthday ok! 
happy birthday fren! sweet 20 opps! it's 19! :)
birthday gurl! :)

2**updates from latest post..5 out of 8 are settle! hoyeah!is getting my life back!
3**UTPians! remember to pay ur summons n collect ur exam slips tomorrow or thursday ok! 
4**i am thinking of what to have for dinner....any idea?
5**eh, gud weather?want to go out for jogging or 'ganti' back my sleeps?uhhho!
6**when exam timetable will comin out?gotta plan for raya holiday lorh!
thinking of having these for dinner..(owh!mak taw hbes la!)lol
p/s: i hate to be mean, i don't want to be mean, i'm sorry if i do so ,it is becoz i have to or else, i'll be weak n abnormal! that is more hurts than ur fingers being cut by a sharp knife! uhhhh scary! but that's me! sorry2! i want to be strong at least for now! chaiyok!!"fighter needs spirit!"(cilok status gtalk ala heheh)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hye Nad,


it's WEEKEND people!
huhu..nk mkn KFC but there...zillion of work to do..anybody plis tapaw eh if u go to KFC!hehehe

1***call mak!(miss her damn mucho!)***
2*** finance assignment(due date-somewhere on dis comin week)***
3***OOP project!( DIE!!)***
4***OOP assignment(due dis thursday!)***
5***study Accounting(test dis thursday!tuesday!)***
6***pay saman!(20 hinggit tue!sbb locker dknci sj!aiyaaaaa 1st tyme disaman!horeyh!ahhah)***
7***check wif ESU(my computer loan..still got probs ea?)***
8***Database Assignment(somewhere in NOV ahah)***

hoyeah!anymore to add people?huhu...

p/s: thank god dis monday no lecture!due to EDX! big THANX mis amy!but then, OOP any1 knows ade ke x?

Friday, October 22, 2010


2nd things
lepak2 bersama lela,amin n jena di manjung! lela la niey...nk mkn kat mnjung x maw p ipoh dah haha las skali blik p ipoh gak!mkn tomyam,tlur dadar(sdap n garing)kailan ikan masin...air barli hahu..kat tepi go-kart
asal nye plan nk ke piknik kat tlk btik ari neyh tp wazeery x dpt x bes la sbb t kang dye ksedihan plak! eh lupa la! kite x smbot bday ala pon?x de prank?ahah!
3rd things
Go-Kart!ahahah 1st tyme kot!byrn?rm10-5minit!mhl kan?x puas lorh!antara 4 org tue, ak la yg pling truk! da la x penah go-kart, x pndai plak bw keter,aiyo..dpt la tusyen free dgn abg neyh!hnsem kot! mamat india sorg neyh!kerek arh!ak gelak2 pon x leh!nk tense2 je keje dye...rlek arh bro!series mmnjang cpt tua kot!lol
btw, 1st experience n best!(blh cpt2 amek lesen keter t!)
4th things
midnight muvie dkt jj-ipoh, cter 'THE OTHER GUY' lol! lwk!tp tue la agak 18sx sket lwk dye!aiyoo lyn la...kite da dewasa kan!tp scene dye x over la!kat sneyh la!kcyan lela...dok sblh ak lg!lol
setiap kali scene bom ke tkjut ke..ak cekau lengan dye...hahhaa...skit ke x?ak x taw la
tp lela lyn je?dye bg je tngn dye ntuk ak cekau?ahaha..jena pon jd mgsa libas sket2 sket j..x terasa apa pon kan?ahhah..nak wat cm na da neyh cara ak tgk wyg?ngeee
org yg ddk sblh ak la..kcyan-gelak pon kn, sdeyh x kena kot?ngeri pon kena, seram lg la kena!ahhaah
semalam yg pnuh suka duka!ahhaha

Thursday, October 21, 2010


sumpah tgh boring giler neyh!
rs nk je mnjerit biar 1 UTP ney dgr, 1 v5K neyh b'GEGARrrr..
tp...rumet ak yg dok sblh skrg neyh, tgh study...maw nye kn leter nnt!ahhahah
esk dye ade test IS...(ye ICT 1styr 2nd, engt ye test IS esk! gud lux!)
org blik sblh kiri...kuar meetng..kosong bilik
org bilik sblh kanan-sebok mnjaht..n sorg lagi p bsenam kat mn ntah,(sport science-koku la)
org sblh blik sblh kanan..dok wat asgnment(cm ak x dak je kan?) n rumet dye stdy(ICT jugak)
org sblh sblh blik sblh jugak) n sorg lg p bsenam(koku jugak)
org sblh sblh sblh blik sblh sorg(ICT lg)n sorg lg assignment dgn org bilik sblh bilik sblh
aku?ade je tue la..ksedaran x dak! aiyoo!teruk nya!?ahhha
nk kuar...nk jln2..kuar dr UTP...x mkn pon x pe...(tp cm mstahil je)
konklusinya: sumpah ak bring sgt2....

-apa motif n kaitan?ak pon x psti-
nota ketot: las week bila org test ak test, org x test ak test, skrg...bila org test ak x test! 'tense' la plak bg ak test plis!

Monday, October 18, 2010


nak aiskerim 1!!
nak mkn aiskerim lagi!!!
tringin, mngidam! huhuhu
sdapnya aiskerim!

see?don't they look delicious??nyummmy
sapa blnja saya aiskerim ney! saya syg dya! ahahha
strawberry n marshmellowwwwwwww!! ahhhhhhhh
siap ade kipas tue!

ptg tadi sdah mengembara keliling UTP dan Seri Iskandar..mencari aiskerim yg sdap dgn Tyah Kamarudin, menaiki AGY 59! huhu jmpa d Rahmath! yeay!on da way blik...mncul 1 idea..
ahh awl lagi..sempat lagi nk PETRONAS jap..mntak sudu aiskerim yg kayu kecik tue 2
jln..masuk kat p.guard..nseb x kn thn..stop kat tasik..mkn aiskerim!smbil mnghadap tasik!
tgh2 mkn...nmpk Nurfaiz Shaidan tgh pon join mkn aiskerim
smpaila azan maghrib..baru km blik! 
sekian la..pengembaraan mencari aiskerim ari x puas la...nak mkn lagi! (mengada kan?ahhha) 
ok sdah! study! esk test OOP(Object Oriented Programming) sebut cm sng..tapi..coding java! jgn maen2 k!
ney la aiskerim yg ak mkn tadi...kitkat choc wif bites :)

dis feeling is...

u called me!i'm happy
i saw u n my heart beats faster!
people staring n looking, they r smiling
but i juz don't care..
my world is only u n me
my mind is full wif u..
wat is dis feeling?
u said it was a long time we didn't talk to each other
i text u..but u didn't reply
n i feel damn stupid!
n now i was thinking of ue...
do i have to text u again?
or should i give up?
wat is dis feeling?

Saturday, October 9, 2010


ak pun click la link tue>perghh
"kreativiti menipu, Tronoh jd Tronto" aiyaaa!! apa sdah jd?
ltak nm UTP tue..
alkisahnya..skumpulan pelajar neyh..tgkp gmbr rmai2 n send email ke section salam perantauan di dlm UTUSAN MALAYSIA, dan diorg da kol UTP n UTP dah mntak maaf..
so..ak pon view la certain2 blog yg mnceritakan perihal ini...n x lpa jg facebook..
hm..rata2 mnyalahkan PIC utk section tersebut sbb x cek btul2.. x krg jg ada yg mnyalahkan student tersebut...sbb tkantoi n ade org yg suggest supaya student2 tue mntak maaf scara personal dgn utusan...
bl tgk gmbr tue blik..ak rs ak taw kat ne tmpt nye kan?x gitu?hah!
so..ape yg ak leh ckp...pihak UTUSAN pon mgkin terlepas pndang email tue..kot la nk edit2 ngntok ke ape..x la perasan emel tue dr m'sia sbnr nye n lbh tepat lg TRONOH!
tp btul la...diorg ptut lbh teliti sbnrnye..mgkin ney 1 kes je.,n UTP terkantoi..mgkin ade byk lg kes cm neyh?yg korg x prsan or x d'exposedkan?
psl student tue?ak rs korg kn kn explainkan perkara sbnr, reason korg wat cm tue..n kalu perlu, mntak maaf la kat utusan n UTP..korg scara x lgsung da mmbuat UTP feymes sbntar..ak x suke arh dgr diorg ngutuk UTP..sbb t masyarakat akn prejudis..x bes arh t kalu kite kuar mn2 tnye u ap?UTP..owh! yg msuk paper sbb tpu tue ye?ke yg u mnipu tue?x bes dowh...kite da dkt2 konvo neyh..jgn2! btw, tue hnya cdngn ak..n pndapat..ak pst korg da bsar, dewasa blh pikir scara baik..buatlah ap yg korang pikir terbaek ntuk korang dan sekeliling...x smestinya smua tp sbhagian bsr...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

arghhhh terlupa!

ak x dpt berfikir dgn baik! bila?
-ada mslh,
-terlalu busy,
-dlm kesedihan..
(x blh berfikir dgn baik...bkn maksud x waras ea!heheh)
huhuhu....nk djadikan cerita...br2 neyh
soo many things gempak sket kan..pkai 'sooo many' hahahah
ak telah bjnji ntuk byk bnda pd hari rabu...yg lwk nya!
i thought test BISTAT pg!rpanya malam! uh!
cm na blh lpa?esk nya ade test FINANCE plak!aiyooo so...tpksa la bkorban 1 2 bnda! ahh
teruk!x suka!bila tpksa ubah last minit!
ahah! da taw ada test esk smpat update blog tue! thniah nad!hahahha...

In HER World..........: K-A-M-I di suatu hari

In HER World..........: K-A-M-I di suatu hari

Saturday, October 2, 2010

K-A-M-I di suatu hari

i was in ika's room, belek her new phone! samsung touch phone..uuuuu *clap2*
then, suddenly farhana bujairimi comes in n asked me out! ah? hehe
she's must be..soo borring la tue!huhu..we went at 11 n back around 7 p.m huhu..
location: jaya jusco! huhu here's some pictures:

at jj's foodcourt...sgt ngidam nk mkn mee sizling nya.. nice!

in front Sushi King..uh..there's one chinese guy..try to snap our pic ms tgh pose eh!

isn't she looks gorgeous wif dat skirt?
ahah! if she were to wear dis to class, she must be soo attarctive!hbes la

ahah!fahana musa n me!she's soo tringin to try baskin robin!huhu sdap!

ahah! stories behind it! there's 1 uncle who sit near by..laugh at us! uhu!
sorry p.cik! u r not in dis pic! heehe
we go n c magika! ala those mawi, ziana zain,m.nasir,diana danielle, ogy la..
huhu,,,from 0 to 5, i give u 3 kot for magika?
it's like alice in wonderland-malay version but then of course alice is much better!
ahah, then do some shoppings for some household stuffs,n back at 7..
just now, jus realise...after look through the receipts, i bought to bottle of nutella, ahah! that cashier made a mistake bcoz i only bought 1! hah!
have to stand for consumer rights!they said its not worth it to stand only for a rm10.90 jam..but then, its a consumer right!i will not fight, i'll just wanna correct things!if they don't give me back da money, it's ok but then, apology..maybe?huhu
customer is da king!huhu but then, in m'sia do that concept been applied?i wonder...what u think?oho..ok la...last but not least...
thanx to k.mila n p.cik jumat fron transports!