
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Azzahidin (Batang Padang) Festival Nasyid Negeri Perak 2012

Azzahidin is a nsyid group of SMKA Slim River.
Ni semua adik2 saya yg BHMOCIV thn lepas lah :)
I saw familiar faces but I can't recall their names except Nazirul ( my brother in Group Sutun)
I am sorry boys.
Ini atas permintaan Nazirul, he sent me this link at my FB and I've listened to it few times.
Amazed dgn the kompang, rebana skills diorg tu. sgt menarik, interesting, tertarik da bomb n I don't know why they didn't get the first place.
Apa2 pon, the songs sgt menarik, my rumet thought that I listened to dikir barat plak
btw, double, triple thumbs up, u did gud job guys, n I wished u all the best in your future.
sesiapa yg mmbaca post ni silalah klik link ni n hayati lagu tu then klik like, pd video ni kalau suka ya.( pesanan penaja) hehehhe :)

apa2 pon Good luck SMKSA Slim River, korang hebat boleh wakil daerah, akak dulu wakil kelas pon x lepas... ( xda talent.... )
jadikan segala kegagalan itu satu pemangkin kepada kejayaan, I know what it feels like to lost, but never give up, keep trying and work harder than u'll have that sweetness of winning as well as the worthiness of the hard work :)