
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Internship: The Greatest Insultation.

Sungguh rasa terhina hari ni.Sumpah!
stereotype gile client yg sorg ni.
But glad boss ada back-up, bg motivation.
Actually, hari ni bos masuk lmbat so dia minta aku g company tu tlg tkr battery since one client ni asyik bising kata diorang nye gas detector rosak.
So, nak dijadika cerita,
dah sampai setengah jln, hujan lebat, so x dpt g...
bila call client, dia ckp nak hari ni jugak,
diorang ttp kilang pkul 6.30pm ok fine! p jugak2!
dah smpai..sessat! x jmpa..kol n dia ckp ok p amek
TETAPI! tunggu punya tunggu akhirnya lps setengah jam membebel sorang2 dia dtg.
tp..what a surprise..know what he said?
"Awak datang esoklah, baik awak balik. Kita pon dah tutup."
grrr! Aku smpai sblm pkul 6.30 td hang tak bg pon directions nak p sn! derrr!
sblm itu..dlm fon.. dia tanya,
'"Awak betul ke boleh buat?"
lps tu bila dah jumpa pulak..
"Awak betul ke boleh buat?"
dia tanya lagi.....
"Awak student ea?"
dan lagi..
"Awak betul boleh buat?"
piss off! Tgk la nanti, baru kau tahu boleh ke tak buat..
Kalu aku x boleh buat pon, x boleh ke kau bg peluang? Hello1 stereotype gile ko mentang2 dgr suara perempuan! grr!
Esok aku nak g balik, n mlm ni aku praktis buka segala screw kat umah ni..
screw dekat pintu, screw dekat socket, semua aku buka n pasang balik..
semata-mata sebab terasa tercabar yg amat.
aku update bos psl tadi n smlm...dia ckp sabar.
Encik tu mmg mcm tu..byk mslh..hui...ntah la..
serius sedeyh skrg

Saturday, January 28, 2012


First tyme berdebar gile nk ucap birthday kat orang
nak amek spm pon x berdebar cm ni <---ni tipu sikit
n...aku pon x penah amek ms yg lm untuk tulis wish fo someone's birthday.
dr bgun awl pagi smpai dah g office akhirnya terluah jugak
terluah jugak wish itu di fb tuan empunya nya...
and derrr ingt ok..rupanya kena perli balik........ 
ngeee segan den!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Hidup ini bukan setakat nak enjoy and grab all the chances,
Hidup ini untuk mengenal dan menghargai serta mensyukuri nikmat yang Allah kurniakan.
Betapa selama 20 thn hidup ini aku disayangi, aku menyanyangi dan tak lupa juga mneyakiti pon ada,
terima kasih dan maafkan aku kalau ada yang terasa hati.
Setiap hari, setiap saat itu adalah detik untuk mengenal diri dan mempelajari serta memperbetulkan segala kekhilafan.
Begitu juga setiap detik yang berlalu itu ialah masa untuk menginsafi serta mensyukuri.
Antara sedar atau tidak, setiap hari setiap saat kita menjadi semakin matang,
Antara sedar atau tidak, setiap hari setiap saat yang berlalu itu ialah ujian serta nikmat untuk kita.
Semoga detik ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Roxette - Listen To Your Heart

#love her 90's style esp the hair! :P


#Listen to your heart ~Roxette

Hailoh baca post2 kwn... diorg ade yg bos tawar keje, aiseyh best!
As for me myself? huhu...I dunno..
Tp once my bos said, kalau berjaya projek ni n kitorg jd GLC jgn lupa antar resume.
Ok, I'll take it as a good sign.! :P
Hailoh...projek pon x siap lagi nak cari keje, x malu!
pikir la yg mana penting dulu k.. :P


sangat susah bila tak ada fon.
salah sendiri, yg tggalkan charger dekat office, skrg balik umah, x leh nak caj fon
x leh nak update mak yg anaknya telah tiba dgn selamat
tak leh nak msg org ms dlm bus td
mmg sgt buhsan, tdur je kejenya. 
serious..hate this feeling!
buat org risau..mmg x suka
minta maaf smua..ini kesalahan n kecuaian sendiri

Monday, January 23, 2012

The parents

"Seorang ibu boleh menjaga 10 orang anak tapi belum tentu 10 org anak boleh menjaga seorang ibu"
Guess most of us heard this saying a lot kan?
Let's just think...
"adakah sama : 
1-menghantar ibu bapa anda ke rumah orang-orang tua utk dijaga secara percuma saja 
2- menghantar ibu bapa anda ke pusat jagaan yg menelan kos beribu-ribu ringgit.

As for me, both sama saja!escapism!
melepaskan diri dr tanggungjawab sbg seorang anak. Tak kiralah hantar ke rumah orang2 tua ke special care centre ke, whatever it is u're still abandon ur parents though with/without u're realising it.

Tapi ya lah, someone yg biat mcm ni, mesti ada reasons yg tersendiri n siapalah saya untuk judge tapi ini adalah pendapat sendiri, in the future, me myself also didn't know what will happened. akankah aku juga begini atau adakah aku yg dpt nasib sebegini? I never knows, it's just pray to Allah, semoga aku tetap dapat berbakti pada abah n mak sampai ke akhir hayat mereka, dan sampai ke akhir hayat aku.
I believe in KARMA, what's goes around comes around, begitu, aku juga berharap semoga nasib aku tdk begini, aku akan dijaga n didoakan oleh bakal anak2 ku yg soleh/solehah.
aku juga harap tak ada orang2 tua yg akan terbiar, duduk sorg2 , last skali dihtr ke pusat jagaan orang2 tua, menangis slalu..I saw that n it was so sad ok!
sebenarnya entry ini terlahir sekadar ats pemerhatian aku ttg masyarakat sekeliling n dunia hari ini.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fake smile.

#Listening to DBSK- Forever Love
orang dah lama lyn DBSK...aku baru nak what? hehehe

Dear fellows, 
Interns is terrible,sucks, hard and it's like living in hell kan?
betul x? right! jgn nak menipu lah tak! :P
Ok, kalau betul x.. I am sorry..that's what I feel n I saw few of my friends do have that symptoms..
Symptoms penyakit rindu UTP dan juga penyakit menyesal intern.
my intern would be great kalau tak ade project intern! Yeah It is!
My intern would be great if I just did what the executives do! 
Meeting, ngadap laptop, instruct sana, instruct sini, outstation lagi, travel sn, travel sini, cukup tahun, cuti.. habiskan cuti yg tertunggak, n lepas tu cukup bulan dapat gaji, belanja sana belanja sini makan sana makan sini.
Hoi seronok!
Tapi ended up? u did tasks yg bdak lepasan SPM pon blh buat (bak kata one of my housemate la)
Tapi my aunty ckp..
"itulah namanya pelajaran, kalau diorang tak swoh ko buat ko x taw! hah skrg kalau intern dtg, swoh je diorg buat keje scan, potostat, tulis borang semua. Biar je, biar diorang belajar, nanti kau dah keje ko bulilah balik budak2 intern ms tu."
sempoi mak cik aku...mnyuruh aku buli org... *tabik kot!
Tapi..bila kita dah rasa mcm ni... sanggup ke nak buli org nnt... eh, ko ingt ko bsr sgt ke nk buli2 org?, aku dulu dah pernah kena bukan buli namanya, ni membentu kau untuk belajar (positive)
ya.. tukarkan semua menjadi positif.. bila kamu bangun pagi dan terasa malas benar nak g keje hari ni.. tension.. positifkan minda...sampai2 nnt mesti akan satu lif dgn abag handsome, mesti bos x dtg office (outstation), mesti dpt gaji (tgh bulan mmg x berjaya), mesti ada org blnja hari ni... bla bla bla.. apa2 lah lagi yg buatkan korang happy.. so that u can have a fake smile when u wake nnt xde lah rs tension nk dtg tak..habis 7 month of internship..muka pon semakin tua sbb hari2 selama 28 minggu anda asyik monyok sj... yes, I am being happy despite all of troubles I get, the anger of my boss to me..the anger of others to me.. so what? lantaklah korang nak mrh...ak bukan lama pon kat sini.. I knwo i did my job well n I am satisfied with nak bising kalau bnda tu xde kaitan dgn punya psl.. I will always shows u my 'muka selenge' /'muka dunno'/ 'muka selamba' hahahaha...dat what been taught by Kamarul Asraf..kwn saya.
N even my SV pon dok gelak2 bila aku buat muka mcm tu..dia kata elok lah awak amik PR! 
err I take it as a compliment.
Ok....hujan x berhenti..haruskah aku redah sj? we'll wait n see :)
see ya again... :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Saya Selfish

I might sounds selfish when I said this. But this happens to most of us, I think... if it is not, feel free to oppose.

Aku percaya pada janji Allah :
“Perempuan yang jahat untuk lelaki yang jahat dan lelaki yang jahat untuk perempuan yang jahat, perempuan yang baik untuk lelaki yang baik dan lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan yang baik.” (an-Nur':26)

Tapi sebagai hamba yang juga manusia
   Aku mahu yang baik tapi aku tak berusaha untuk menjadi baik.
   Aku mahu yang boleh menjadi imam pada aku seorang muslimah tapi aku? pernah tak berusaha untuk menjadi imam yang baik even untuk diri sendiri?
   Aku mahu yang segak, bila tengok sekali saja cerah betul mata memandang tapi aku ni? sopan pon tak dak. isk2. 
   Aku tak mahu yang jahat sebab aku rasa aku x adalah jahat sgt
   Aku tak mahu yang tak sembahyang sebab aku rasa aku sembahyang juga walau bukan di awal waktu
   Aku tak mahu yang tak senonoh sgt, yang tak tutup aurat semua sebab aku rasa aku ni walau tak bertudung labuh, tak pakai handsock, tak berstokin tutup semua tapi masih lagi menutup aurat 

Owh selfish betul aku sebagai manusia dan hambanya. Kata percaya pada janji Allah tapi kenapa nak mempersoalkan satu perkara yang kata kononya percaya? 
Ada satu ceramah yang aku dengar, kata ustaz tu: 
  " kalau nak jodoh yang baik, cuba jadi dulu yang baik itu baru dapat jodoh yang baik. " (lebih kurang lah ayatnya)
Tapi sebagai manusia. memang nak yang baik saja kan. i don't put the blame on anybody. The one that should be blame is me. Tak pernah nak berubah. 

I might sounds sellfish. Sellfish sgt2. I am sorry. 
Again this entry bukan nak shoot sesiapa kecuali diri penulis sendiri. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Susahnya Cari Duit

After about 2 months of being in working life, my aunts asked me
"Mcm mana kerja?"
I said , " Letihlah, balik pon lewat, penatlah!"
another aunty said, "Hah, baru hang taw teruknya cari duit!"
and I was stunt, smile and said , " hah..taw dah la ni..teruk,teruk!"
Life is worst, correct? But that worst things that teach us the meaning of life.
And that gives you sweet, funny memory after all so that you can blabbering/ talks/ tell the story of your hardwork to your younger generation in the future. (It's what happened currently)
Imagine if there's no challenges in your life, living like a baby since u infant until u old.
When you're a baby, the mother feed us, bath us, put us into sleep,carry u on their back n imagine if this happened over n over again, until the end of your life.
Will you get to know how to eat? will u know how to bath? Will you know how to walk? Think.
So, this what have happened to me yesterday.
I got a call from my bos who is now outstation in Sarawak at 4pm , he asked me to finish the quotation from a company yesterday. We thought that the deadline is a week after CNY but it is actually today. Ok, big mistakes. But it doesn't matter, I am okay with it. Normals!
But what makes me got angry, tension, fed-up is the specs for items they requested, is very general, made me a bit 'pecah kepala' to complete it (plus, I am not that familiar with all these safety items) - that is still okay.
It is actually the item they've requested is a lots of redundancy and make me hard to complete it. Let me tell ya, the person first requested a cap complete with ear muff mounted on it. ok, but when u go to the next page, u'll see they requested for helmet mounted ear muff... what's the need for you to have two helmet mounted ear muff when u only have one cap? u want to mount two ear muff on one cap ah? *pfft!
I told my boss, he's a normal things for executives and engineers to do that. They wanted to play safe. Ya la! play safe with two mounted ear muff! I bit the person who prepared this RFQ sgt selamat ya!
Than my boss said, sometimes, they didn't want to refer to the technician or people who is below them who more well-known about this. They make it like' konon2 aku hebat dari diorang sbb aku bos' it's a shamed if boss didn't know about this simple thing. Yeah It's a shame! Very shame on u now! I am laughing at u.
I talked to my friend and she said, sometimes this is actually tricks they did to make their budget approved. In real, they didn't actually used the given budget as they've requested it is for other things! Nice, 'karenah birokrasi, merugikan company dan diri sendiri.'
Btw, this entry doesn't mean to attack anybody it's just to make u n me to think...there's no wrong in asking, people won't look down to somebody who is willing to learn, sometimes doesn't mean u're a boss, u doesn't need ur employee's opinion.Remember Nad, there's no wrong in tone down! Plus, u'll gain more respect out of it.

And next, yeah! it is hard to find money, but to 'throw' it's just simple, by a blink of eye.
 Nad, amik pengajaran, since u've experienced it, so don't repeat it or else u'll be cursed like what u've done now. :)

:)....ok pen down! :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012



Hoping for the best,

Belajar untuk lebih relaks,

Belajar untuk lebih menyayangi apa yg ada,

Belajar untuk lebih matang,

Belajar untuk menjadi lebih baik.

Belajar untuk lebih redha,
Belajar untuk lebih menerima takdirNya dari meminta dan mengeluh,
Belajar untuk lebih bersyukur dgn apa yg ada.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2011-Year End Trip..Short but fulls of fun n memories!

Dah seminggu masuk thn baru...baru nak update about my 2011 year end trip! mmg lembab..huhu
btw, The trip is just a short trip (about 2 days) n the destination? is just Lumut, Manjung...
Ya, x jauh mn nak g jauh2 sbb I was alone coming from Ipoh. 
Please note, this is an adhoc trip! since I need to get away from the hustle bustle of Ipoh n get myself out of stress I faced a week before! Tension mengejar due date, keletihan dgn x tdur beberapa hari, hell yeah It is very tension! n bila cuti pon u still can see ur office from ur windows..lagi tension so I decided to 'run away' run away la sgt kan? sbnrnya? since da g Manjung a visit to Liyana, my friend yg br recorver from appendix operation, had so much fun with the family.Celebrate her sis n father's birthday. mkn seafood since mngidam sgt2, lps main boling n last skali mnyelongkar kapal dgn org tu. Yeah, pergi dgn org kapal mmg la byk gile kitorg explore hehe.. ok la..enjoy gmbr je k :)

jeng jeng jeng.. 

the scores!wee dpt no 2 :P

melawat ikin...kat tmpt keje dia, bersembang smpai kitorg kn halau balik

 the birthday girl n birthday boy.

Yana's parent, very loving n generous! 

inilah muzium marin or KD Rahmat yg kitorg selongkar, actually bkn x penah msuk kapal tp dis tyme around xde org guide n x rmai org so mmg happy habis la slongkar! smpai dkt basement, store yg xde bnde pon msuk,...tgk tmpat keje 'org' tu
A big thanx to Yana's family, Fahmi, Ikin for the trip n for someone yg byk sgt mnolong n melayan kerenah yg pelbagai, nak mkn sea food la, nk beli bj I luv pangkor la, nak g Pangkor la, tgkp gmbr la,shopping lagi..mcm2 n yes this trip has lots of meaning to me! byk sgt! came back to Ipoh with smiles, memories, foods, n nervous! Takutlah! 
*harap yg terbaek. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Duhai elektrik

As most knows, I once update about the condition of our house in FB...
yah! our house isss soo chronic skrg!
serious! I don't know why! but hell yeah! ini lah pengalamannya duduk sendiri.

1- gas kat dapur dah habis n we don't know how to buy the gas, should we just buy it from the lorry gas yg dtg kat this neighborhood area every weekend?(mhl dowh!) or just go to the shop, pay and ask them to deliver to our house?but then, how to tell them the address? since we ourselves pon kdg2 keliru dgn rumah sndri...kat mn ye? *ok this one u can blame me.

2- heater kitorg rosak!(my heater!) it actually the plug tu msuk ke dlm switch n I guessed it burned inside since we can't pull it away, so it stuck there, for few months/weeks it can be used, but suddenly one day we realised.. " eh kenapa air ni x pns pon?" then we knew, it's (heater) day has come, RIP heater.
Btw, it solved! we bought new heater at the price of RM33 from the shops nearby. Now we can enjoy hot drinks again!

3- lamps! lampu dlm satu bilik tu mmg dah out a long time ago n we did nothing just..let it be..since we didn't use that room much other than for ironing purposes je. But worse! lampu bilik air lip lap lip lap! and last two days I bought the starter, (we guesses it's the starter problem!) n actually it is not! still lip lap lip lap lagi! huaaa! n now! stress with the lampu! susah la kalu nk g toilet mlm2! n now we assumed that it is the 'lamp' problem. bila nak ganti? later lah

4- what more? ahah...this is interesting! Among the three, I was the one who supposed to manage the finance of the house, pay rental, pay the bills(internet, TNB etc..), so we paid the bills, online! (wanita kerjaya x smpat g byr dkt kaunter! :p) n then...CIMB does not gives any alerts/notice that TNB has received our payment though they said, TNB will alert us on Tuesday! :P Homai! n on Wednesday, I went back early from office n masuk dgn gembiranya, switch on the tv, pfft! no sound, (ok...our TV mmg kdg2 ada sound kdg xde) n no lights also.., check the switch, its' on! check the next switch (where I plugged in my charger--my charger got lights!hehhe) but no light! mean..not on! so check the fan, lamps all off! check the switch board! eh it's On! so what's the prob! I was so gelabah nak mati!thought that TNB has cut down our electric! cek outside, the neighbours seems nice n normal, the whether is nice.. so.. (dlm hati fikir mst mlm ni bergelap, got lots of work to do, no candles, how to online? mesti fiza n farhana balik mrh2..) then straightly dgn yakin seyakin-yakinnya called TNB careline! asked for the status of our bills. I told that carelines yg I paid the bills online, n I am not sure whether btul ke x TNB got my payments since this is my first time (gelabah nak mati mak cik ni) n then I told him, balik rumah xde elektrik, my elektrik kena potong ke? since the DB pon On semua, he said everything is ok, we have no outstanding payment pon! all and he said that nnt lagi sejam our TNB crew akan dtg umah I bit relief least I don't have to call any electrician untuk cek umah ni ( trust me, I don't know which electrician to call for other than TNB!) n then, tiba2 keluar umah, spontaneously tertanya pak cik sebelah...ada elektrik tak kat umah.. n then pak cik tu ckp 
"aah, mmg xde elektrik dr petang td, sbb ada gangguan kat dpn sana, diorang tgh baiki!" wth! (that moment..mmg memaki n mengutuk diri sndri yg gelabah biawak x tentu pasal!) n turut mmbuatkan housmate lg 2 org gelabah...sbb mengenangkan ada org nak dtg umah, umah dgn seleraknya haih!
n then wait for few minutes, (15 minit je) elektrik dah ok! terus call TNB utk batalkan report! mesti electrician tu memamki hamun aku ni! menyusahkan kerja dia..bila 2 org tu balik..told them the story! perghhh pedih kena perli! :P
ok..saya mmg x update kat fb sbb taw nnt mst kena perli n mls nk terangkan pjg2 so...this story is exclusive dkt sini je :P

tu ceritanya hidup sendiri...
note : kitorg ni semua anak sulong n hidup plak mmg biasa dgn mak n abah ada skali...this is the first time kitorg hdup sndri n trust me! it ain't easy! sgt2 sgt2 ssh!n merana too! I hope lps ni nak balik umah je dok kat kedah...dok umah mak..lagi sng.. tapi smlm Fiza ajak keje kat KL lpas graduate...untuk amik pengalaman...huaaaaa :"(  
i don't know...
pengalaman...experience..itu sweet n bermakna, mengajar kita satu erti hidup yg buku , or professor hebat mcm mn pon x dpt bagi... betul? :)

that's why it's is too sweet to make it complicated n I am trying to live a 'sweet' life though it's tough n complicated, I'll turn it to sweet sweet things so that I can smile always n take it as..nice/good moral values :P