
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nak pergi kelas tak?

#listening to Ashiteru.....currently this is the new addiction...  (",)

#I have class, actually at 12 noon ni at Block 20...but then...sooo lazy to go...
it is not actually class as if lecture time, it's juz a tutorial session..

          +whatever it is, it still class, soo still have to attend kan?
       - but...have no marks for the tutorial kan?hmmm if you don't  
         go also have no effects on your grade?
       + it is a responsibility as a student kan NorNadia Jamal?
           You can learned more in the tutorial..
        -errr but,....only get little output..nak buat ape sgt?not worth
          for 1 hour of tutorial...
        +but, still got knowledge, better than none! maybe it is useful
           for the exam?
         +what more tapi2?huh!

(.............the 'evil' side ('-') and the 'noble' side ('+') of me is talking in my head! nak gi ke x kls ni?........)

budak malas ni..


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


#is in Mc Donald Station 18, Ipoh......with my group-mate.... siapkan IP-Internet Programming...actually the tutor juz want to see the progress of the project saja, hahha kami yg smngat! ngeh3 usual all projects! creativity is the most impotant, the deco is more important than the functionality...why? haha DON'T ASK! hehehehe..kami tak pandai programming mcm hampa!
ok..bout the progress of the's still in progress.............. ( believe me, that is what we actually wrote on the interface of the project!) --betul what! you said you just want to see the progress, and still it's in progress ngeeeeeeeeee...maafkan saya....hehehhe... hmm
since it's still in progress, so still p&c...nnt dah final, i'll show you the interface..blh? ok, blh? blh ya! ngee

p/s: tadi sdh pekena Mc Flurry, since I've already had my dinner at 8pm..and now I feel dammmmn sleeepy! nak cari kopi!
kaya betul McD mlm ni! huhuhu..........

#glossary:  hampa - korang (dlm bahasa kedah)

Monday, July 25, 2011


*clap2...juz finish my 1-page of assignment and conclusion-my part...uhu....which have to submit tomorrow,
and the best part is, it's already 2.26 am, and I have quiz tomorrow and now, I am still updating my blog... thanx God, It is open book--->(heh, bajet sng lah tu, serabut hala nnt baru tau!)....ok...*yawning...sleepy but still this keyboard still being 'ketak-ketuk' lagi....huhuhu...
btw, got new name for the blog....'nama manja' ada orang bagi tadi... ----> 'keyboard ketak-ketuk'    heck?!
the name, aku bagi sikit punya cantik, memerah called it ketak-ketuk? aigoo! memang aku ketuk2 jugak nnt kamu ini! ahahaa

#ok, back to biz....-K-E-R-E-T-A- , english: -C-A-R-, french: VOITURE,(sila sebut sendiri), hmm Japan? Kuruma No (sumbangan translator kat Inche Google)

guess what? this cost only around RM36,000 in Indonesia, but in Malaysia? RM108,000! hah!
please be good to your bibik,in other to ask her to help you buy this Honda...aigoooo! if this car sells that cheap in Malaysia? for sure lah...nobody will buy viva or myvi, everybody will go for this betul x?

*yawning, this is the first time, I yawn sooo bad when writing this blog...sorry syg! aigoo..
think better I have few hours of sleep dulu..

p/s: whatever it is, I still love my Honda, it is my second 'harta' after this Acer yg byk berjasa...and also..anak kedua lah boleh kata....
to 'along' Acer and 'angah' Honda, mama syg anak-anak mama.....(aiyaaa berjiwa keibuan pulak) aigoo

gud nyte!


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Girl's Outing

aku fikir aku akan keseorangan pada weekend ni...sbb
1- my rumet ke CASFUMAL...kl,
2-Zulaikha Isahak ke CASFUMAL juga...
3-Roisah g KL dari ahad pagi.
4-Fiza pulang ke KK
5-pada awalnya Tyah plan g KL juga..

jadi bila 5 alasan ini bergabung, maka jadilah NOR NADIA JAMAL keseorangan...(hate it!)
maka aku terbayang, aku akan, sentiasa duduk dlm bilik, tgk muvie sepanjang 2 hari..tak kuar2 bilik... makan sorang2(ahh bencinya! paling x suka!) hidup yang sunyi sangat2! aku sgt x suka mkn seorang diri, x da teman mkn, aku x mkn..betul! nak bungkus pun kalu blh nak berteman, pas tu mkn sorang2 dlm bilik...ok lah..ade laptop sbg teman...huhuh

tetapi....THANX GOD! ada Anis n Tyah yg x jadi g kl!
kami sgt bohsan pd weekend maka mcm2 plan...

SABTU: selepas melayan cter hindustan dgn Roisah..kami plan nak kuar tasik..tapi g minimart sj...beli aiskerim, tgkp gmbr, gurau sende....sembang psl negare....ahahhhaa
malamnya sgt x blh blah...apabila masing2 dok bertukar jadi SNSD n Girl's Generation..x maen arh Gula-gula..sorry k! eheh.......pas tu da penat menari...tgk pulak muvie Cinta2011, sbnrnye bkn's more on commenting and criticizing the character! Diana Emir...huhu mmg bgus dye belakon..tapi minah dlm cter tuu perghhh! kaw punye prigi...!heheheh

AHAD:- kitorang lunch...dekat KFC..2 lebih br bertolak...g KFC..bersama Anis ngn Tyah..hoyeah! lps tu tiba2 muncullah...menjelma..Syabaranis! hujan lebat turun mencurah-curah...kami terkandas di KFC>>keran hujan... :(
tapi semangat tdk putus asa...masing2 sibuk bercerita...sbnr nya, aku saja, lagi 3 org dok menjana idea! hah! selepas dlm 2, 3 jam kat kFC...kitorang pon...nak! belum lagi...
njoy dulu...beli belah...bajet mcm ade shopping complex je kat tmn maju...huhu masing2 membuang duuet di beberapa kedai di tmn maju....kat tmn maju pun blh habes berpuluh2....nak beli gelang persahabatan...shh! ini rahsia taw! hehhehe...
dah balik...baru teringat! eh, roti kat umah yg hampir expired!

Nad: Tyah, jom g tasek nak?
Tyah: Eh, roti tertinggal kat rumah..
Nad: ok..jom kite balek dulu, siap lawa2...ambil roti dtg melawat ikan....heheh

maka, bermula pulak...pengembaraan dekat tasek bersama ikan-ikan...............

jadi, begitulah weekend saya smpai ptg tadi saja, mlm ni dah sibuk, smpai x smpat pergi mana tapi blog sempat update jugak huhuh, perut rasa lpr...ingat mmg tahan saja smpai esok...tetapi............
syafiza bawakan pulut dgn rendang dr KK, ahhhhhhhhhh! thanx Fiza!!!!!!!
pulang pula Malaysian Future Leader....Duta dari Egypt, Yusairah Hamzah, dan duta dari Italiano, Zulaikha isahak..
dgn souvenir, Nasi lemak Kerang dan Choc Wafel.........rezeki2!
syg korang byk2! ssngguhnya! ak sgt terharu........! kenyang perut hhuhuhuhu...........

p.S : sekrang sgt suka mengedit pic! sgt2 suka....dah jadi hobi la plak..tapi ne nak lukis ni ye?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Lelaki Membebel

#listening to Sudirman...Pelangi Petang ( in love with this songs, don't know why, never tired of listening to it over and over again)
+ I have 2 assingments to finish and submit next week, on Monday and Wednesday, but as usual... soo lazy to do it, as today is Saturday..still in relax mode.. procrastination! I know it's bad but....errr...hmmm u know la kan..hohooh..
+today activities, we supposed to go outing to Tasik UTP, but then, since it's raining, so we decided to only hang out at the cafe..makan aiskerim huhu

from left: Tyah, Me, Anis, Roisah, Farhana Musa
more pictures in facebook..

+back to the topic, 'lelaki membebel' actually this topic suddenly pop-out by a friend of mine yg bertanya...

"Tak bolehkah lelaki membebel?"
so.....what do you think? 
membebel selalu suites best with women kan...I mean, ya lah, tak kata pon yg guys cannot membebel, but usually societies memadankan women dgn membebel..dari memebebel dgn
bkn tak boleh lelaki ni membebel, well tu tandanya dye care la kpd orang tu kan? <---orang cakap...
my mom, my teachers even most people also said the same things, 'membebel tu tandanya syg'  erk?
orang tak membebel saja-saja, membebel sebagai hobi? tak ada kot! membebel tu mestilah sebab dya tak puas hati, ada benda yang dya pandang tak kena, like for example...

'kalau balik rumah, anak dara balik lewat malam, mak mesti membebel, bila dya start membebel,for sure, all those crime cases heard on the newspapers and TV will come out from her mouth and some mothers will imagine those things happened to her beloved daughter, then goes more worries and 'dramas' of coz! the more worry she get, the more she will membebel. right?' 
so conclusion, kat sini....ur mom sees the issues of anak dara pulang lewat as something yg dye x puas hati, then dye jd risau, gelabah, byk membebel.
ok...this is only my opinion..................

so, for my view la kan....actually no matter lelaki ke perempuan, masing2 ada hak bersuara, ada lah juga hak untuk membebel ya tak? sbb membebel pon falls dlm catergory 'bersuara' sbb menggunakan suara(obviously) sometimes,org membebel tu for good, kdg2 ada jugak yg mcm aku ni..membebel sbb suka ahahha..ada kah? penat kot! then, kalau mak ayah anda membebel, tandanya mereka sayang, kalau diorang tak membebel tu, anda harus rasa risau! kalau kawan2, adik beradik ke org tersayang membebel tu maknanya dya aware with what you do, dya sayang dengan anda dan care dengan anda...ingat senang ke untuk someone yang bukan ibu bapa kita nak membebel ambil berat psal kita sedangkan diri dia pon blm tentu dya jaga dgn baek.. huhu, lebih baik dya tdor, x pon njoy dari ambil tahu psl kita kan? huiyo..bersyukur lah selagi ada org yang sudi membebel untuk anda...erk? tapi kalau rimas dengan dibebel, kot la, selalu sgt dibebel kan, ada la slh mana2 tu..hmm kena pandai2 urus la ye, nak sumbat mulut orang yang membebel tu ke apa ka, tu atas risiko sendiri2 ...okeys, as usual...she talked a lot! pen off! 

Friday, July 22, 2011


nobody is perfect! true?(yeah...knew bout this looooong time ago)

but still why the heck are we still looking for the perfect one even we already realized the reality?
why still trying so hard turning yourself to perfect girl even the reality is nobody is perfect?
huh...funny hah! thinking about it recently.
Being perfect to everyone, try to please everybody!
be the best for everyone! huh,..

it so annoying and disappointing when you've tried so hard to please someone and that efforts you make, still do not enough for them. then, you'll start cursing them for their criticism! don't they know ho much efforts do you make? how tough it is to complete the task?hah! but still, don't they have mercy? are they aliens? hohho 

but then, giving big thoughts on it,people are not perfects, their needs, their desires and feelings...all those are abstract and it differs! so, what is the needs of pleasing everybody and ended up pleasing no one? hhuhu...

can't we just show sincerity, honesty and willingness on everything we did? i think that's the best! although there may be people who may dislikes it and complaints but then, still, you've done your best kan? they don't know you, only you yourself know who you are, the best! so...even 10000 people will critics on your efforts and think that you are crazy, only you yourself can defend it and the best comforts comes from your inner-self. every hardwork that comes with sincerity and honesty, will be rewarded kan?
 ok, cakap byk...think got to stop dulu kot.


p/s: i've upload few pictures on MOMENTOS....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ethics of Care

updates! hye blog....
FYI, aku br saja habis MIDSEM TEST-CORPORATE sbb tu lah kenapa tjuk entry ni...Ethics of Care...ini kerana...Cik Nor Nadia Jamal, baru sj lepas revised tajuk Ethics of Care tadi before test...and buat dye flashback....kenangan lalu....huhuh..
.ok...some reviewed on ETHICS of CARE........

" ethics of care or also known as feminist theory...sbb? it was developed by a woman...named.. sila google..hehe...and this theory is actually contradicts wif the business ethics theory sbb ethics of care ni byk menceritakan yg kite kena care for people who lives around us- family, relatives, friends, neighbour..while the business ethics said that dlm biz...tiada istilah family, friends, relatives ke neigbhbour ke..only ade..seller n buyer...hohoho..more on ethics of care? 

jadi..apakah connection nye dgn hidup  cik Nad ni? hmm sbb baru2 ni ak bermuhasabah diri sket...tgk blik my ethics of care to my relatives, friends and neighbour ni..sgt lah teruk...n i feel bad...really200 BAD! 
terasa diri ini mcm kacang lupakan kulit....yg lupa akan saudara-saudaranya..contohnya..

1- my aunty..sdara yg plng dekat..adik mak la kan..bersalin..ak rasa ade la dkt 3 bln dah..tapi ak x de la plak buat effort ke nak g ziarah...pdahal...kkb dgn bt gjh xde la jauh mn pon...kl ak snggup pergi..nk g kkb pon x snggup..dl slalu je g..skrg da mls smpai skrg ak msih blm melihat kelibat amsyar anak mak cik aku tu...sbb bila diorg blik kg cuti..ak plak x cuti...tu x pe la abg sepupu ak br dpt baby boy...sbulan lps..xde plak g mnjenguk nye even rmh dye dkt je dgn umah aku...dlm 15 min perjlanan...n da la cuti smnggu plak nak menapak g umah dye ye?adeyh...tu blh dimaafkan lagi..pling x leh blah..jiran sbelah umah..sdara aku dpt new baby...hari last cuti br ak teringat nak g nengok baby br tu?pdhal smnggu ak cuti dok tercongok je nengok bapak dye usung baby dpn umah..mak ak pon dok cerita2..xde plak rasanye...pdhal jln x smpai sminit pon..deyh! fail nad! fail!
2- sbg seorang anak, kalu dulu ade je hari2 ak update dkt mak..kdg2 satu hari 2,3 kali tepon umah..skrg?adeyh....dua hari skali pon lagi! 
3- sebagai seorang kwn...birfday teman baek blh plak aku lupa...smpai belated..dulu ak engt je..bkn tu je..birfday adek angkat aku...10 july dulu smpai skrg ak x wish lagi...huhuh..teruk! mgkinkah kerana adanya kemudahan di fb yg ada aplikasi peringatan birthday tu buat aku tdk peka dgn keadaan ini?
4- sbg seorang kwn lagi...a best fren of mine blh kt like a sister la jg...da lama ak x update psl dri dye...smpai kjayaan terbesar dlm hdup dye pon..ak blh lmbat update...x ptut btul...

oih..nak senarai byk btul....n buat ak sbg manusia rasa sgt teruk dan ralat...oh Tuhan, aku mahu pulang ke pangkal jln blik...ak nak balik ke kulit aku balik....huhuhuhu...kulit skrg dah ada kena buat effort utk balik sj...ngeeee...doakan aku berjaya...

Saturday, July 9, 2011


hye blog! miss ue! huhu
da lama x update blog..
this new updates about my interns...

ok...congrats to me! akhirnya Cik Nor Nadia dah berjaya buat kputusan sendiri...dan sdh berhenti mengharu-birukan org dgn masalah dye....yg tiada tempat intern itu!..

ok...skrg dpt tmpt intern dekat Ipoh,-Semarak Motivasi...It is a subsidiaries of kPerak...
thanx to Syafiza....yg nak sgt ak teman dye di ipoh...
Fiza said...tnpa aku....tak bermakna  intern dekat ipoh,...(ok..i made up a bit..but it really sounds alike)
so..da syafiza tlg mintakkan dekat Kperak...dye yg apply kan...i got calls on tha lovely friday evening...
tu only one part....of the story...this is the whole story....

sgalanya bermula dgn interview pd sabtu lps..dan company tu dah jnji dye akan bg jwpn...kalu ak dpt..latest by rabu...but then, until rabu..i checked my on thursday feeling terribly sad n demotivated...trus ak pon..dgn desperado nya....asyik dok cek email, tgk hp...ade ke yg nak call dr company mn2..pd ibu n bapa ku khabarkan..abah aku pon..da bertanya kwn2 dye..utk intern dkt tiada...abah cdg kan utk intern di tnb kdh...tapi ak msih ragu2...sbb its not suit to my interest..ak rungsing..pada dia pon ak da ckp...dye nk tlg but i said..ak blh handle...oh! bajet superwoman kan nad?seyesly..ak cuba smbunyi rasa sedih tu tapi people blh taw..esp dia....taw2 je kan awak ni?adeyh...
so...spnjang khamis yg x ceria..aku bgun esk nya pd jumaat..still pretending like I'm ok..dpt call at 10..which actually i don't realise at is a missed call...trus ak kol balik sbb dye no pejabat n dr smpai 3 kali...msh x dpt...ak consult mak,fiza n dya...fiza bg nombor itu...
maka ak google la...tgh2 mnggoogle...ak dpt a call from office..dkt perak...trus angkat...and it from KPerak sub comp...Semarak Motivasi...after little short interview...ak dpt..n ak accept that offer..tgh tggu offer letter skrg ni...utk ak confirm dgn lbh lnjut....hmm elaun?ak x sure..dat people yg kol ak pon x sure...dye mnta ak confirm wif KPerak...becoz..its half fromKPerak, n half from their comp...
maghrib plak..a call frommysterious nombor yg call mula2 tu...dye call...dari I-Perintis sorry..ak da accept offer..ak firm..trus jd firm..
sbb...khamis ari tu..ak da berkata pd dri sndri..esk..jumaat..da 1st offer yg dtg, ak akan accept..jadi..tu la ceritanya...
mgkin bkn rezeki ak di iperintis...its juz..nk is like a drama kot...huhuh...
ok..skrg sdh lega,,,,

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Anak Emak

watched this drama last night, while having dinner....Anak Emak, Cerekarama Tv3..
the story starts:
this boy, (don't know what is his name) has married and live with his mom. the mother is liza abdullah, and the wife casted by Almi Nadia..i watched only the first part of the drama, the scene where this mother love his son soo much and soo envy withe her 'menantu'.When the 'menantu' and his son are having great time together,she will disruppted, even anak n menantu maw tdur, is on the bed already, this mom knocked on the door, and asked his son to massage her as she has back ache where it was actually the reasons to make the son slept in her that time I bukan anak emak dya yg mslh...emak anak! huhuh
Anne Ngasri on the other hand, casted as a queen control wife..'duit poket suami dia pegang' adeyh..the husband(which I also don't know the name)only receive RM10 a day from the wife..utuk makan..minyak minta lain...but that one also kena bising..tak maw bagi...the reason is...we have to save for the future, and the wife thinks that the husband will go around belanja his friends with the money...aigoo RM10 apa maw belanja?hahah..

I am soo 'x puas hati' with the drama, dah bising2..bebel...apa ni, apa tu! aiya ade ke patut! isk! kenapa macam tu...huhu ( mulut becok kan?) huhu...and thank god...ada org mendengar, n agree with me...huhu..
the rest is history.....ok...

p/s: tomorrow gonna have test....MIS! wish me luck!

Friday, July 1, 2011


finished reading aA+bB, by Hlovate last night..again...this is the 2nd?3rd?4th time REreading it? I'm not sure......nevermind...
by the way regarding the is about a girl named Addin Shah, a doctor..who never fall in love before, and suddenly she has to marry a guy, named Benz Aliff , the engineer which is actually her enemy back in the secondary story of the new life-after-marriage begins for this two egomaniac people...I was overwhelmed by the character of so--sweet Benz..especially after the scene of Addin miscariaged...he is sooo loving...n soo sweet too! but, that actually was my feeling when I first read the novel....but recent feeling, after REreading it is...little so-sweet things...and many...aah! betullah...should be that way..ahah! pening?
actually the special about Hlovate's stories among other novels is, shet,/he actually tells reader that everybody need to change for good, we must be a good servant of Allah,nobody is perfect,nobody is good caused we are the servants of Allah...we actually just a human being, namely human being, meaning that we have soo much flawse..either you are 'jahil' person who never obeyed Him, do lots of wrongdoings, or the one who 'baik' -obey His rules but only the compulsary things like solah and fasting, or one who better than 'baik'-perform the compulsary things and 'sunat' things..sedikit-sedikit no matter who you are, still you have the flaws because we are human...and that is what actually being highlighted in the story..we need to change for good whoever you are! there's always rooms for improvement !!!....

p/s: going for interview Ipoh...please pray for me..hope this is the last interview I have to go for bbefore internship begin...wish me luck....! thinking of settled in Ipoh saja....what do u think?huhu