
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Perempuan berdandan

Yesterday, listened to a talk about " Hubungan Dalam Keluarga" by Ustaz Zulkifli Ismail from jab. Islam Perak..accidentally terdengar. 
Ustaz Ismail said: Isteri-isteri kalau nak berdandan, make-up boleh..tapi tanya suami make-up macam mana dia nak tgk, dia suka. Kalau dia tak suka jangan pakai." lps kahwen nak bersiap, berdandan kena tanya suami erhm so sementara masih blm kahwen ni buleh lah berdandan, bersiap sendiri punya citarasa kan? wee! tak ke seronok tu? I mean sblm kahwin la. Freedom sikit tapi lps kahwin, bukan dikongkong tapi hak untuk menasihati ttg penampilan seorang perempuan itu diberi kepada lelaki, adil lah kan sbb they are the one yg akan tanggung dosa2 kita. Ya Allah agamaMu sgt relevan.
Tapi nak berdandan ikut citarasa sendiri pon kn fikir jugak, dosa seorang perempuan sebelum kahwin ditanggung oleh ayahnya jadi, apa2 pon yg awak nak pakai, fikirlah awak sayang ayah awak ke tak? kalau sayang tutup aurat. bukankah selangkah keluarnya anak perempuan itu dari rumah dengan menampakkan auratnya maka selangkah langkah ayahnya ke neraka. MasyaAllah...Sorry abah! :"(

Sensitivity during Ramadhan

Just a random thoughts..
I saw these by myself twice..

Case A: A guy and his son asked for 2 cups of RM1 drinks. During ramadhan most vendors sell drinks costed RM2 in a plastic wrap nicely and when you asked for RM1 drinks, you're gonna have them in plastic cups. What surprised me is this lady, the vendor insert straws in that cups and then served them to this guy. I saw that this guy is stunned with that action and tak kan nk wat scene kot so terima je lah.

Case B: My friend bought coconut shake from the bazaar and this lady served her that shake in cup with straws in it. Straw yg bsr mcm minum cool blog tu aiyooo...

 My concerns are :
1- you are in fasting month plus at Bazaar Ramadhan, this guy is a Muslim, obviously lah he is fasting and though he is not, he still couldn't drinks at public, he'll be fined for that. Yet you served him with drinks in a cup with straws in it. Can you imagined what public will say or think if they saw him carrying it around? Dah lah plastic tak bagi, lucky he asked for that if not? Kesian dia tak pasal2 dpt malu.

2- It is 6.00pm ++ about an hour or so before Ifthar, yet you served the customers with drinks in cups with straws in it, don't you realised or even sensitive about the hygiene of it? All dust, bacteria coming in, Bazaar Ramadhan ramai orang, if one people spread at least one bacteria, and imagine at one time there are 20 to 30 people there, 30 bacteria spread all the way! And that drinks you sold are not properly covered because you've inserted straws in it. so?  Pfft!

Dear vendors, I am not trying to ruin your business but please be sensitive with all this hygienic issues and Ramadhan issues during this fasting month. Can you please asingkan straws and that cup, it's ok if you want to served them in cups but please gives separate straws together in a plastic bag. :)
Cari rezeki bukan saja halal, malah bersih juga ( halalan toyyiba) supaya orang tak sumpah seranah business kita, barulah elok, berkat rahmat rezeki Ramadhan. Barulah ramai org dtg beli :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


when u no nothing
just don't say a things

Monday, July 16, 2012


If I am a mother, I won't advise my kid to go for tertiary studies, it's hard u know!
If I knew that degree is these hard, I rather screwed up my SPM and go to work.
If I knew that being bonded student is damn stress, I won't study hard to maintain my pointer. 
If I don't urge my kids to go for tertiary studies, they gonna cursed me till their death for every miserable moments they went through.
If I screwed my SPM, I will cursed myself and people around me for every sufferings I have.
If I don't study hard to maintain my pointer, I won't get what I have now!
Be grateful for what I am now, aim high for the what I will be in the future and take lessons from the past :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Kuatnya seorang wanita

Pertemuan dengan keluarga arwah Affiffi Emara- mak,ayah n adik perempuan.
Sungguh aku kagum betul dengan mak arwah. 
Tabah n kuat..hilang seorang anak lelaki sulong, tunjang keluarga kot...
ibu mana yang tak sedih,
hati ibu mana yang tak luruh anak yg diharapkan menjaganya pergi dulu dari dirinya.
Tapi bak kata ayah arwah.. "Arwah dipinjamkan Allah untuk kita, bila sampai masanya kita harus pulangkan dia pada penciptaNya."
Sungguh...aku kagum dengan mak, ayah, and adek perempuan arwah. 
Adek arwah looks like his brother. sgt alike. bila dia senyum, sebijik macam arwah.
Dari cara maknya bercerita, memang boleh tahu arwah anak yg baik. 
Alhamdulillah lepas bersembang dengan mak arwah hati lagi tenang, and aku memang kagum betul dgn kekuatan mak nya dan adek arwah.
Mak arwah pesan supaya kitorang teruskan projek ni, katanya ilmu yang bermanfaat itu bekalan untuk arwah di akhirat. 
InsyaAllah mak cik. :)  

Baju Kuning- Adik Arwah, Baju maroon- Mak arwah, belakang syafiza - ayah arwah

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Maaf anda semua

aku mungkin buat kamu sakit hati
aku mungkin buat kamu kecil hati
aku mungkin buat kamu jauh hati
selagi aku mampu bernafas dalam dunia ni
aku minta maaf
sebab aku hambanya
tidak sempurna malah aku tak dapat buat sesuatu yg sempurna

I hate writing a diary for that it made me feel weak.

Blood Donation

Despite of all chaotic happened in my life this few days, today turned out to be one of the historical day in my life.
Hey people I am now officially one of the 2% Malaysians who donates blood! Yupp! I donated my blood today for the first time! at last....*phew
I am scared u know! when Zana, Ika and Sera suggested me to donate my blood! eh, common la! few things runs into my mind.
> what if they discovered that I am positive wif something diseases after they've tested my blood? oooemmjayy! (ini sgtlah drama and they laughed out loud and said I am too much of dramas!)
>what if they can't find my vein? byk kali dicucuk untuk menderma???
whoaww ok, this is my first time kena cucuk utk diambil darah! again they said it is ok my dear! naah
> sakit tak cucuk? *pheww grrr '~'
>I got test this friday, have to study this evening, if I donate blood later I'll be in pain n letih 
and they claimed me to be 'mengada2'

After all my brilliant justifications being I went to the blood donation campaign with sad, worried faces *muka gelabah
The nurses are very friendly and I was very confident that my weight is not enough for the donation.
The minimum weight should be 45kg and I am confident that I am 44kg! (according to Farhana Musa'a weight scale) and after I've checked my weight there!!!whoaa 47kg????????? bila naik ni!!! :"(   and me started to bising bila naik berat ni yadayada...
So, as my weight is suitable for the donation, we proceed to medical checkup, the medical officer took my blood pressure, again my blood pressure is suitable for checkup *muka sebal  while proceed to the blood checkup. Another medical officer used a small needle and poke the tip of my left middle finger. And me being me, pretend that I am enjoying it, *reverse psychology here

It turned out me the only one who fit for the donation *damn! grrr , Zana and Ika have not enough hemoglobin to donate, the minimum hemoglobin should be 12.5 and mine is 12.9 *grr!  Yusera is not enough sleeps. You should have 4 1/2 hours to 5 hours sleeps at least to be eligible for the donation.
so, as I am the 'lucky' one, and I have no choices as I am doing the blood donation system and my sv asked us to donate blood (attendance is take uolls!) so I am going! grrr... Lay myself on the bed and the nurse do all the necessary things she needed to do, cucuk sana sini and x saket owh!!! it took only 15min??? in order for them to suck my blood out! heww and weh!and scariest part when the nurse said! 
"wow, the blood flows so fast, good, you are the potential regular donor! " 
owh whattt?? come again? POTENTIAL BLOOD DONOR???? you want to suck my blood again arh? 
turning me into vampire or what??whoaw.... mak x sanggup dah ok!
Looking at my blood in that bag! whoah scary! It's look like I am halfway killing myself by sucking my blood out! :"(  *lol dramatic
ok next! the best part is I got souvenirs!! *insert Ika, Sera, Zana smirk faces here
ahhaahaha... they only got KPJ's magazine
but me? I got Milo, Munchy's biscuit, and KPJ's bag full wif healthcare product... thanx KPJ! *harus highlight sbb later we're going to do project wif them! insyaAllah.

I got this medicines, they said it's for increasing your iodine in the blood or something?? should I consume that or not? help me pls.... I am the first timer... :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sahabat- Affiffi Emara Abdullah

Pagi ahad, aku dikejutkan dgn 2 panggilan telefon, satu dari Afif (sahabat arwah) jam 3.40pg dan satu lagi dari Fathiah 5.40 pg. Aku angkat panggilan Fathiah.
Fathiah : Nad, Emara dah tak ada. (sambil menangis)
Nad : Hmm?? (masih lagi mamai)
Fathiah: Emara dah tak ada, dia meninggal accident.
Nad: Innalillahiwainnailaihirajiun.Kat mana accident?
Fathiah : Jln Cameron Highland.
panggilan ditamatkan tapi aku masih lagi separa sedar, dan bila membaca mesej dari Anis, baru aku tersedar hakikat sebenar dan menangis mengenangkan perbualan aku dengan arwah Khamis minggu lepas. Kami sepatutnya jumpa Ahad malam untuk berbincang psl details projek, kami dlm satu group untuk TTP.

Honestly aku cakap, aku seakan lumpuh sekejap, rasa mcm hilang arah, arwah satu group dgn aku, dia sgt baik, kitorg 3 perempuan 1 lelaki, arwah boleh dikatakan tulang belakang kumpulan ni, yg selalu tenagkan kitorg bila kitorg gelabah, selalu memperingati kalau kitorang terlupa, nama group Athena tu idea arwah, idea Blood Donations tu bersama2 dgn arwah...semasa dpt berita tu aku dekat rumah, dan sepanjang aku ada dekat rumah n perjalanan ke UTP aku berfikir apa yang aku kena buat? sampai skrg aku masih lagi berfikir apa yg seharusnya aku buat? Selalunya kitorg akan duduk bincang ramai2 dan he will comes up wif a good suggestions.
Aku kenal arwah dari foundation sampailah sekarang final year, and aku tak pernah nampak arwah marah, kalau bengang ke apa, dia akan selalu diam atau kerut dahi dan kemudian senyum or gelak, arwah memang org yg soft-hearted, selalu ja senyum, kalau ada org usik dia, kenakan dia, arwah akan gelak2 je, tak adanya nak bls balik aku paling ingt, pernah sekali lepak dgn dia and the rest of the team BH dkt Ameeth, arwah order telur separuh masak n dia x kan makan selagi Hazim tak bukakan untuk dia. Comelje rasa masa tu. Arwah memang suka buat org happy, kalau pon bkn slh dia kdg2 dia akan minta maaf juga. Rasa mcm baru smlm ja g melawat dia dkt hospital ms dia operation appendix tu which is 3 years back. Banyak sgt kenangan dgn arwah yg sampai skrg kalau aku bc je cerita psl accident tu aku masih sebak.

Affiffi Emara Abdullah,
semoga roh kau tenang di sana, ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 beriman,
tiada lagi senyum, supports yg kau selalu bagi tapi kenangan dengan kau akan aku ingt selalu,
tak dapat lagi lepak seperti selalu,
kau mmg sahabat sejati,
insyaAllah kitorang akan buat yg terbaek utk TTP semoga pengorbanan dan perjuangan mu tak sia-sia sahabat.
hanya doa yg dapat aku bagi untuk bekalan kau disana, semoga sampai syurga,
semoga kita dapat berjumpa lagi dikehidupan sana.insyaAllah.

Monday, July 2, 2012


double triple messy!
nope, this happens not because of STUDY mode but because of LAZY mode! grrr... I am so lazy right now, I just wanna eat, EAT, eat, EAT and eat! please! nak makan! and all of this because of this: 

Please ignore that 'nice' handwriting uhu.....
It's a TEST mode here in UTP people, starting from last week. heh PF (Personal Finance) was successfully done, last week, when I say SUCCESSFULLY done it means -'menembak jawapan dgn jayanya!'- huhu n MS (Malaysian Studies) well, let's wait till tomorrow night at 8pm.. we'll see how good am I in 'shooting' the answers! :)  

And now I am struggling to revise all of this..........grr! otak dah lembab sejak nak dkt2 cukup umur mengundi! huhuhu.......ok pray for the best people... 
happy study :)